Student life manager

As the technical lead, I was responsible for planning and implementing the architecture, building initial working prototype across stack and passing on the project to my juniors for continous development


My university (SRM University AP) uses an outpass system for students living on the campus. The campus is located in a remote location; therefore, keeping safety in mind, students are allowed to leave the campus only if the warden of their hostel issues them an outpass. In this system, student records are maintained and verified using paper-based methods, making the process repetitive and time-consuming. Student Life Manager app started off as an initiative to research and design a solution to improve the outpass experience for all parties involved in this process.



Prathyusha's management of the project was outstanding, adhering to professional software engineering principles. She engaged with various stakeholders to define requirements, created high-quality software artifacts, and established robust tech infrastructure.

Dr. Jatindra Kumar Dash
Project mentor, Associate Dean, SRM University
